Legend of Grimrock Wiki

Mage skills are primarily focused on the use of Magic spells and physical defense.

Air Magic[]

This skill represents your character's training in Air Magic.  You obtain the power to cast new spells and increase the efficiency of air spells as you advance in this skill. In order to learn a spell you also need to find a scroll explaining the runes of the spell.

Level Ability Gained
4 Spell: Shock
5 Resist Shock +10
9 Spell: E. Lighting Arrow
11 Dexterity +1
14 Spell: Lighting Bolt
17 Resist Shock +10
19 Spell: Invisibility
22 Spell: Lightning Shield
25 Dexterity +1
27 Greater Lightning Bolt (Your Lightning Bolt spells are much more powerful)
30 Resist Shock +10
32 Circle of Protection, Air (All party members gain Resist Shock +25)
35 Dexterity +1
39 Resist Shock +10
44 Dexterity +1
50 Air Mastery (Resist Shock +100)

Earth Magic[]

This skill represents your character's training in Earth Magic. You obtain the power to cast new spells and increase the efficiency of earth spells as you advance in this skill. In order to learn a spell you also need to find a scroll explaining the runes of the spell.

Level Ability Gained
3 Spell: Poison Cloud
7 Spell: Poison Bolt
9 Resist Poison +10
11 Spell: Enc. Poison Arrow
13 Spell: Poison Shield
17 Vitality +1
19 Resist Poison +10
23 Improved Poison Bolt (Your Poison Bolt spells are much more powerful)
26 Vitality +1
29 Resist Poison +10
32 Circle of Protection, Earth (All party members gain Resist Poison +25)
35 Vitality +1
39 Resist Poison +10
44 Vitality +1
50 Earth Mastery (Resist Poison +100)

Fire Magic[]

This skill represents your character's training in Fire Magic. You obtain the power to cast new spells and increase the efficiency of fire spells as you advance in this skill. In order to learn a spell you also need to find a scroll explaining the runes of the spell.

Level Ability Gained
2 Spell: Fireburst
6 Resist Fire +10
7 Spell: Enc. Fire Arrow
10 Strength +1
13 Spell: Fireball
16 Spell: Fire Shield
19 Resist Fire +10
21 Strength +1
24 Greater Fireball (Fireballs cast by you are much more powerful)
28 Resist Fire +10
32 Circle of Protection, Fire (All party members gain Resist Fire +25)
35 Strength +1
39 Resist Fire +10
44 Strength +1
50 Fire Mastery (Resist Fire +100)

Ice Magic[]

This skill represents your character's training in Ice Magic. You obtain the power to cast new spells and increase the efficiency of ice spells as you advance in this skill. In order to learn a spell you also need to find a scroll explaining the runes of the spell.

Level Ability Gained
3 Spell: Ice Shards
5 Resist Cold +10
7 Spell: Enc. Ice Arrow
10 Willpower +1
13 Spell: Frostbolt
16 Resist Cold +10
19 Spell: Frost Shield
21 Willpower +1
24 Improved Frostbolt (Your Frostbolt spells are much more powerful)
28 Resist Cold +10
32 Circle of Protection, Ice (All party members gain Resist Cold +25)
35 Willpower +1
39 Resist Cold +10
44 Willpower +1
50 Ice Mastery (Resist Cold +100)


Spellcraft skill represents your overall progress in the way of magic. Advancing in this skill enables you to cast more spells before exhausting your energy reserve.

Level Ability Gained
2 Willpower +1
5 Spell: Light
5 Spell: Darkness
6 Energy +10
8 Willpower +1
10 Combat Caster (25% faster spell casting)
12 Energy +10
15 Willpower +1
18 Improved Combat Caster (50% faster spell casting)
22 Energy +10
26 Willpower +1
30 Energy +10
34 Willpower +1
38 Energy +10
42 Willpower +1
46 Energy +10
50 Archmage (Spell energy costs are reduced by 50%)

Staff Defense[]

This skill improves mage's defensive abilities.

Level Ability Gained
2 Protection +1
5 Evasion +5
8 Health +10
11 Protection +2
14 Light Armor Proficiency (No penalties from wearing light armors)
18 Evasion +5
22 Health +10
27 Evasion +5
32 Health +10
37 Protection +2
42 Evasion +5
50 Staff Master (Protection +10, Evasion +30)