Legend of Grimrock Wiki

Required Skill: Light Weapons 4
Attack Power: 10 - 31 +Dexterity
Accuracy +10
Speed: 2.8
Weight: 2.4kg
Special Attack: Flurry of Slashes(40 Energy, strikes thrice)

Symbolizing death and rebirth, this blade is held in high esteem by the Xafi priests and priestesses.

The Moonblade is an one-handed, Dexterity-based Light Weapon and a quest item in Legend of Grimrock 2. It is found in the Pyramid of Umas in Tomb of the Highborn.

The Moonblade is one of the best Light Weapons in the game yet can be acquired as soon as the Pyramid is opened(which is often early in the game) and there are no enemies between the entrance and the weapon.
